Greffes ratées du chirurgien Macchiarini: le Lancet sanctionne à son


2021-04-20 · Paolo Macchiarini står som huvudförfattare till de aktuella artiklarna, vilka har publicerats i olika vetenskapliga tidskrifter mellan 2011 och 2014. Bland dessa sex artiklar återfinns en särskilt uppmärksammad artikel publicerad 2011 i tidskriften Lancet.

March 2016. Det konstaterade Centrala etikprövningsnämnden, CEPN, som idag presenterade sitt yttrande. CEPN har haft i uppdrag att granska redligheten i sex artiklar publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter, två av dem i the Lancet, efter skandalerna med kirurgen Paolo Macchiarini. Stjärnkirurgen Paolo Macchiarini beskrev honom som en son. Men efter anklagelser om fusk petas nu thoraxkirurgen Philipp Jungebluth från Karolinska Institutet. Själv ifrågasätter han att man The 2008 Lancet paper of Paolo Macchiarini and Martin Birchall about the world first trachea transplant might end up retracted. Until recently, the journal’s editor Richard Horton used to ignore and suppress “non peer-reviewed” evidence, but due to combined pressure of activism, media and politics, things started to move.

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Macchiarini was fired from Sweden’s prestigious Karolinska Institute in March 2016 for breaching medical ethics after being accused of falsifying his resume and misrepresenting his work. When Macchiarini’s first windpipe transplant was reported in the medical journal Lancet in 2008, it was hailed as a breakthrough in regenerative medicine. The Lancet paper remains standing obviously because its British authors Birchall and Hollander are against a retraction (the publisher doesn’t care about Macchiarini or his minions like Jungebluth anymore). A retraction would be also very bad for Hollander’s and UCL’s regenerative medicine businesses. The Lancet also supported Paolo Macchiarini, an Italian surgeon whose claim to have developed a stem cell-engineered artificial trachea had been widely touted, including an admiring special report Witness interrogation with Bengt Gerdin regarding the question of possible misconduct in research on an study and seven articles (a study on animal experiments in the journal Nature Communication and six articles in the journal Lancet regarding the results of the operations performed by Paolo Macchiarini) [Nature Comms report here, Gerdin’s At the beginning, I followed Dr. Macchiarini misadventures with a distant, respectful eye. I intimately sympathised for a surgeon who traveled the world, who is framed by The Lancet as a great doctor, and who left Italy cursing out its corrupted academic system.

Paolo Macchiarinis konstgjorda luftstrupar inopererad. Bilderna har publicerats tillsammans med den vetenskapliga artikeln i The Lancet och 

The scandal surgeon Paolo Macchiarini is now officially indicted for in the journal Lancet regarding the results of the operations performed by  Paolo Macchiarini år 2008. Lancet publikation 2008. 19.5.2015.

2021-04-20 · Paolo Macchiarini står som huvudförfattare till de aktuella artiklarna, vilka har publicerats i olika vetenskapliga tidskrifter mellan 2011 och 2014. Bland dessa sex artiklar återfinns en särskilt uppmärksammad artikel publicerad 2011 i tidskriften Lancet.

Lancet macchiarini

Läs mer: Svidande kritik mot Karolinska för Macchiarini-skandalen. nanocomposite: a proof-of-concept study, publicerad i Lancet 2011; huvudförfattaren till artiklarna, Paolo Macchiarini, var anställd vid KI. Ärendet gäller sex artiklar i flera vetenskapliga tidskrifter, däribland The Lancet, och där kirurgen Paolo Macchiarini är en av huvudförfattarna. Och den anrika the Lancet har tyvärr lagt om policy helt under den nye chefredaktören (han som vägrade dra tillbaka Macchiarinis fuskpapper)  The famous star surgeon Paolo Macchiarini was recruited to .svt/binary/Lancet%202011.pdf Article The Lancet 2011“The Macchiarini case”  Utredningen visar på felaktigheter där Paolo Macchiarini är ytterst ansvarig, Karolinska Institutet, KI, begär av samtliga tidskrifter, The Lancet,  Forskare på Karolinska fälls för forskningsfusk.

The Lancet paper remains standing obviously because its British authors Birchall and Hollander are against a retraction (the publisher doesn’t care about Macchiarini or his minions like Jungebluth anymore). A retraction would be also very bad for Hollander’s and UCL’s regenerative medicine businesses. The Lancet also supported Paolo Macchiarini, an Italian surgeon whose claim to have developed a stem cell-engineered artificial trachea had been widely touted, including an admiring special report Witness interrogation with Bengt Gerdin regarding the question of possible misconduct in research on an study and seven articles (a study on animal experiments in the journal Nature Communication and six articles in the journal Lancet regarding the results of the operations performed by Paolo Macchiarini) [Nature Comms report here, Gerdin’s At the beginning, I followed Dr. Macchiarini misadventures with a distant, respectful eye. I intimately sympathised for a surgeon who traveled the world, who is framed by The Lancet as a great doctor, and who left Italy cursing out its corrupted academic system. Everything he said made sense to me.
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The operation was published in The Lancet, Macchiarini et al 2008.

Patient 1 på Karolinska  Artiklarna i bland annat the Lancet som Paolo Macchiarini och som publicerats som handlar om Paolo Macchiarinis forskning i Sverige och  Lancet, Biomaterials, Journal of biomedical materials research och Thoracic surgery clinics där Paolo Macchiarini är en av huvudförfattarna. Samlas kring sakpolitiken tillsammans med aktörer och branschkollegor, myndighetschefer och politiker inom just ditt område. Lyft blicken och utöka ditt  Karolinska institutet, KI, har beslutat att fälla forskaren Paolo Macchiarini och tre Däribland artikeln i The Lancet som beskriver transplantation av syntetisk  En läkare som anmälde Paolo Macchiarini för forskningsfusk har under hösten 2015 har krävt att få sitt namn borttaget från en forskningsartikel i The Lancet.
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The Lancet also supported Paolo Macchiarini, an Italian surgeon whose claim to have developed a stem cell-engineered artificial trachea had been widely touted, including an admiring special report

Det amerikanska TV-bolaget NBC beslöt samma år ett att göra ett program om Macchiarini, och uppdraget gick till Benita Alexander, NBC:s prisbelönta stjärnproducent. Den högt ansedda vetenskapliga tidskriften The Lancet drar tillbaka två artiklar av skandalkirurgen Paolo Macchiarini. The Lancet withdraws articles after Karolinska Institute investigation that found Paolo Macchiarini responsible for misconduct.

The Lancet can rely on Careggi not to say a single critical word about the carnage Macchiarini caused there, or that outrageous Gonfiotti et al 2014 paper which paraded Claudia as completely cured and rehabilitated while she was constantly suffering and almost died because of that failed bronchus transplant. Dead patients mean nothing to medical elites concerned about their “reputation” and money streams.

Artikeln finns fortfarande att läsa på medicintidskriftens hemsida trots att Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien kallat det ”djupt olyckligt” att den inte ändrats. Enligt sjukhuset genomförs operationerna som vård på så kallad vitalindikation – det vill säga ett försök att rädda patienternas liv när inga andra alternativa behandlingar återstår.

The Lancet's view has been, and remains, that the normal standards of justice should apply to Paolo Macchiarini. Being innocent until proven guilty is a difficult principle to hold on to when calls for action now to assuage the crisis are so vociferous. On Jan 1, 2004, a law came into force in Sweden concerning the ethical review of research conducted in human beings. This law covers research conducted in living human beings, on human cadavers, and on biological material from human beings, and the handling of sensitive personal information. The Swedish Research Council considers Paolo Macchiarini's activities1 to be research conducted in In 2011, The Lancet published an Article (Dec 10, p 1997) 1 on the first case of a transplant using a synthetic trachea seeded with the patient's own stem cells. The senior author was Paolo Macchiarini, a thoracic surgeon working at the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. The prestigious medical journal The Lancet has retracted two articles co-authored by disgraced thoracic surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, after an investigation by his former institute found him The Lancet can rely on Careggi not to say a single critical word about the carnage Macchiarini caused there, or that outrageous Gonfiotti et al 2014 paper which paraded Claudia as completely cured and rehabilitated while she was constantly suffering and almost died because of that failed bronchus transplant.